Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Old Kitchen
Thanks for a great Thanksgiving!
Hopefully the floors will be in soon and I can do the final posting of the completed kitchen! I put the shelves in last night that Clayton built. They turned out great! Now all I have to do is fill them with pictures. I have always wanted a photo gallery and this will be it.
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
P.S. My great nephew is not only a beautiful baby but he is a very good baby. He only cried when Clayton held him! Not sure why that was - Clayton was probably nervous as he says he has never held a baby before.
Monday, November 24, 2008
I Have Tile!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Almost There!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I Have Countertops!
Matt talked me out of doing my tile backsplash myself. The guy he uses is not available so I had to find someone else. I thought - I'll call Eric, he'll probably know someone. He does - himself! He also has a friend that he talked to about it. Eric is going to come see what I have and we'll go from there. I hope I can get it done for Thanksgiving.
And, yes, I went out and purchased a new TV for my new kitchen. I couldn't get a very good picture though so I called Bryan. He came over and found that the "router" box I have is a piece of junk. He wired the cable directly to the cable coming into the house and WOW what a difference. He's going to get me a splitter to use instead of the junky box I have. I can even get a few stations HD!
Carla and Sarah stopped in Friday evening. Sarah was writing her name in my dust! She sat at the counter and ate Dairy Queen. Sarah's favorite part is the tile and she gave me some great advice about the grout color! She obviously takes after her Momma.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I Have Light!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Something New Every Day!
Monday, November 10, 2008
I Have Cabinets!!
This will be the island. It's not anchored in place yet but it will look something like this:
Can you see my living room in the background? That's the shelves Clayton made back there on the horses. I guess Matt had to move them out of the way, so I wasn't able to paint on those this evening. The dishwasher goes where that big hole is in the island.
I'm not sure if Matt will be back tomorrow or not. When he left today he said he was at a standstill so I'm not sure what happens next. He is going to replace the window and Dave Shutler is going to make moldings to go around the window that will match the cabinets! Won't that look great?
When I look at all that has gone on in my kitchen - I know that I am truly blessed.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
It Doesn't Seem to be Getting any Better!
On top of all the work that needs to be done before tomorrow - I've gotten a nasty cold! I'm going to Wal-Mart and get some cough and stuffy nose medicine this morning first thing. I also need to go get something to eat. I don't even have my microwave now!
A little over two weeks to Thanksgiving! I hope things look better by then that what they do now!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Remodel - Day 3

Remodel - Day 2
Carla came over and helped me move furniture so when they do the ceilings they don't have a bunch of stuff to move around. I don't know what I would've done without Carla during this renovation. I think this is just as much Carla's kitchen as it is mine! Well, except for the fact that I'm the one paying! Thanks, Carla for all your help!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Remodel - Day 1
There must be dust on my camera lense - there are spots all over my pictures! Mike (the guy that knows all about the wiring) thinks I'm overdoing it with the lights. Can you have too much light in a kitchen? Besides, they are all going to be on dimmers so I can adjust them to however I want them. Matt is going to bring me samples tomorrow of the different kinds of ceiling "stamping" I can have. I was looking at Carla's and I kind of like hers. I hope his sample board has that one.
Well, that's all for today. If there's anything different tomorrow, I'll be sure to post!
Clayton's Creation

Matt came this morning to get the job started. This all doesn't even seem real. Even looking at my torn up kitchen every day, it still doesn't seem like in a couple of weeks I'll have a brand new kitchen. I took Opie over Mom's this morning and I don't have to worry about Ebony - she'll just hide. Mom told me to call her later today to see what I thought after the first day's work. However, I don't think there will be anything visual, except for maybe the dishwasher and sink cabinet will be out.
Everybody have a great week - I'll check in sometime this week and let you know how things are progressing.