Monday, November 3, 2008

Remodel - Day 1

I didn't get home until after 4:30 and my workers were still here! I didn't think anything would look any different but it did! I think they got pretty much all of the basic wiring done. It amazes me how running these wires all over the place makes sense. They were also able to get all of my phones working and my internet! Here's what it looked like at the end of day one. (This was before clean-up, of course!)
The one below looks like the wiring fairy was here!!!

There must be dust on my camera lense - there are spots all over my pictures! Mike (the guy that knows all about the wiring) thinks I'm overdoing it with the lights. Can you have too much light in a kitchen? Besides, they are all going to be on dimmers so I can adjust them to however I want them. Matt is going to bring me samples tomorrow of the different kinds of ceiling "stamping" I can have. I was looking at Carla's and I kind of like hers. I hope his sample board has that one.

Well, that's all for today. If there's anything different tomorrow, I'll be sure to post!

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